
###A wearable brain scanner for the hospital ward

Project ID: 2228bd1225 (You will need this ID for your application)

Research Theme: Healthcare Technologies

UCL Lead department: Queen Square Institute of Neurology

Department Website

Lead Supervisor: Gareth Barnes

Project Summary:

Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is the non-invasive measurement of magnetic fields to provide millisecond by millisecond images of human brain activity. It has proven vital in the planning of epilepsy surgery and in understanding human brain function. Most recently, we have developed a new generation of MEG scanners which work with wearable sensors and allow the subject to move freely. However, this technology requires a large and expensive magnetically shielded room in which to operate. The goal of this project is to develop system that can be implemented in a standard hospital ward. The student will be working with Prof Gareth Barnes and Dr. Tim Tierney at the department of imaging neuroscience. The department brings together a host of specialties, including engineering, physics, mathematics, neuroscience, psychology and computer science in order to ask fundamental questions about the human brain. The aims of the project are to

  1. Develop a large coil set to actively compensate for low frequency magnetic noise.
  2. Develop new signal processing algorithms to efficiently separate the brain’s magnetic fields from those of the residual noise.
  3. Validate the resulting system in a hospital setting. The student will develop skills in real-time signal processing, active magnetic shielding, statistics, software development as well as neuroscientific experimental design. Through collaboration with partners the student will also be able to explore how this technology is translated into clinical practice and can contribute to surgical decision making in epilepsy. The ideal candidate will be passionate about science and have a background in mathematics, engineering or physics. However, candidates from other backgrounds who can demonstrate a strong interest and understanding in the above fields are also welcome.