Department: Physics and Astronomy
This page lists all the available projects hosted in the Physics and Astronomy department.
Information about Physics and Astronomy can be found on the departmental website
2228cd1410 Non-adiabatic properties of nuclear motion
2228cd1411 Probing the matter-antimatter-asymmetry problem using precision spectroscopy of positronium
2228cd1412 Ultimate estimation limits in electron-positron interactions
2228cd1413 Next-generation single-molecule microscopy for understanding nucleic acid-lipid interactions
2228cd1414 Mechanisms of defect processes in future electronic devices
2228cd1415 Quantum metrology with triatomic molecules to probe physics beyond the Standard Model
2228cd1416 Polariton and circuit QED lattices: quantum simulations of correlated and topological states
2228cd1417 Optical trapping and spectroscopy of 2D nanomaterials
2228cd1418 Solid-state Masers
2228cd1419 Design magnetoelectric nanoparticles with outstanding physical property for biomedical applications
2228cd1420 Exotic forms of matter in interaction of molecules with intense laser pulses
2228cd1421 Thermoelectric energy conversion with organic semiconductors: from fundamentals to next-generation materials
2228cd1422 Hybrid Quantum Information Processing with Rydberg atoms and Superconducting Circuits