
Theme: Advanced Materials

This page lists all the available projects in the Advanced Materials research theme.

Information about Advanced Materials can be found on EPSRC’s website

2228bd1001 In vivo imaging of therapeutic biomaterials

2228bd1021 Emergent helical dipole textures in quadruple perovskites

2228bd1034 Microplastic quantification in vivo using advanced x-ray imaging methods

2228bd1053 The role of cancer cell mechanics and remodelling in engineered tumouroids

2228bd1057 Mechanisms of defect processes in future electronic devices

2228bd1059 Developing AI computing hardware with a magnet

2228bd1069 Autonomous high-throughput experimentation platforms facilitating knowledge driven discovery and production of advanced materials

2228bd1074 DNA sensors based on Graphene Microwave Waveguides

2228bd1079 Low Thermal Conversion Platinum Group Precursors for the Spray Printing of Fuel Cells

2228bd1111 Development of biopolymeric and composite functional materials for a circular economy

2228bd1145 AI-powered molecular thermodynamics of solvated magnetite nanoparticles for the development of new materials

2228bd1162 Nanoscale ferroelectricity in epitaxial oxide heterostructures

2228bd1171 Polaronic structures and properties in High Tc superconducting oxides

2228bd1172 Photoemission studies of halide perovskite materials

2228bd1212 Magnetic particle-based Pickering emulsions for marine pollutant remediation

2228bd1216 Developing High Speed Retinomorphic Sensors