
Department: Computer Science

This page lists all the available projects hosted in the Computer Science department.

Information about Computer Science can be found on the departmental website

2228bd1017 Advanced fabrication of scent delivery systems for improved digital sensory health applications

2228bd1019 Learning to convince? Large language models for human persuasion

2228bd1038 Vision-based Navigation for Soft Endoluminal Robots

2228bd1046 Tera-scale deep learning for knowledge extraction from Hierarchical Phase-Contrast Tomography

2228bd1061 The price of anarchy in international trade: tackling trade with reinforcement learning

2228bd1085 Operationalising socio-environmental simulation intelligence for crafting sustainability policies

2228bd1139 Cooperative Planning and Control for Intelligent Multi-Robot Systems

2228bd1143 Towards a New Science of Urban Form

2228bd1149 All-at-once deep learning methods for nonlinear PDE based inverse problems

2228bd1164 Optimal Microscopy Slide Navigation with Reinforcement Learning for High Resolution Cell Morphology Analysis

2228bd1177 An end-to-end computational workflow for uncertainty quantification (UQ) of climate change on coastal flooding

2228bd1188 Self-supervised learning of soft robot body schema using touch and vision

2228bd1193 Modelling infectious disease prevalence with AI methods and online user activity

2228bd1199 Connected AI and Continuous Lifelong Learning for Real-World Robots